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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Egyptian Father Names Baby 'Facebook'

Egyptian father Jamal Ibrahim has reportedly named his newborn daughter "Facebook" to honor the social media site's role in Egypt's revolution. 
According to TechCrunch, Egypt's Al-Ahram newspaper reported the following:

    A young man in his twenties wanted to express his gratitude about the victories the youth of 25th of January have achieved and chose to express it in the form of naming his firstborn girl "Facebook" Jamal Ibrahim (his name.) The girl's family, friends, and neighbors in the Ibrahimya region gathered around the new born to express their continuing support for the revolution that started on Facebook. "Facebook" received many gifts from the youth who were overjoyed by her arrival and the new name. A name [Facebook] that shocked the entire world.

Facebook was used to organize the initial January 25 protest in Tahrir Square. Since then, Egyptians taking part in the uprising used Twitter, YouTube and a host of other sites, in addition to Facebook, to communicate and coordinate.
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