It was mid June 2010 I was having my daily routine to wake at 9:00 pm (but my mom wants me it at 6:00).I took a look for living room via a long crystal glass which has been my sunrays. I can clearly see the movement but I was dumb, then I get off , someone was screaming at me as if I had ruined his life…After a minute he get silence and I suffered channels. The daily ads. were at the tip of ma lips and no one can stop me on saying “WAKKA WAKKA THIZ TYM FO AFRICA…HBO…PIMP MY RIDE…”.suddenly the remote jumps on ma sister hand, and I wish, please no to “BUTTON 05”, she can see a cute smile on ma face and blamed “BHAI STOP WATCHING THIS TYPES OF VIDEOS”…(CHANNEL-V,V-TV,M-TV, etc…), it get shocked and tremble me, the battery has gone down…hehe….After half-past 10 I was on the lap on ma mother, and I couldn’t resists myself from saying “MUKH DHU ANI PUJA GAR!!!” I was 2 walk alone the long passage…then wash room….
Suddenly my eyes stuck at the piece of paper where it shouldn’t be. So I picked it lightly and starts reading. “1 FOR THE ROAD”, what the heck it is!!! I was not able 2 trap the meaning, meanwhile I read it, after a minute I realized the paper was half-broken…I blame my fate on not reading those whole passages. After having my activities I thought of a paper. is it lyrics of T-PAIN/BOW-WOW, might not. why the road matters for those celebrities…or it might be poetry by a gr8 scholars like WILLIAM SHAKESPEARS/CHETAN BHAGAT…..aah!!! leave it….!!!! I had numerous thoughts as Sir ALBERT NEWTON has never thought of it. ”but how he proposed theory of RELATIVITY???”, I heard it was also proposed by our gr8 Indian scientist SIR JAGDISH CH. BOSE….whatever!!! now how to get my ROAD???
I open the jip of ma mini baby laptop and connect the usb AIRTEL INTERNET CONNECTOR to it, and starts connecting…instead he claimed me “sorry cant find proxy???” PROXY??? Oh!! I need ma subscriber name..then access point..blah blah…I thank god dat all the words was their from NETWORKING LAB..i thanked Ranjan Sir….at last I success “SUCCESSFULLY CONECTED”. So I couldn’t stop ma finger on typing “ROAD”. GOOGLE claimed me with his thousand of links, which?wer? I was confused.oh god!!! Where should I find ma way!!! Next time a magic happens “VIDEO BY JUSTINE TIMBERLAKE..4:27 mins”, I didn’t hesitate on clicking the link..it was so sad…tears falls down my chick..how could this happen!!!so romantic…I want from quotes to poems and poetry all the way I traveled and visited different part of the world…But no way of “ROAD”.I switched my search engine 2wads a site which is known as the father of search engine, developed on 1994 by JERRY YANG & DAVID FILO, and has it headquarter at SILICON VALLEY of CALIFORNIA (U.S.A)…its none other than “YAHOOOOO!!!”….instead he has a numbers of question as if I am giving interview, “Why Road?Need?-asked by ”…prabin thakur_12-03-2007…blah blah…
Atlast I hab 2 beg GOOGLE image, I the copy of the “road” on it.YEAH!!! I I found u..now wer u go??my road!! I will complete your paragraph.i was so glad 2 see like I hir a jackpot of $1000… I lightly clicked on the path, and saved it as my desktop background image, it was so handsome..my road!!!
The link was connected to Hindustan Times, Calcutta.i gone through it, and when I found the words from where I had stuck I was so happy, like dats my happiest moment ever.i get to bed and had a dream on it, so relax..walking on the road and thinking of the poorer who walks on street and hab to relay on street…many more thought crosses my mind..people walks on street but no one give a single time on it..no one thinks of it…for those who trys to earn their daily breads and butter knows the actual meaning…
From the paragraph I get a lesson,the saying 1 FOR THE ROAD could acquire a new meaning altogether since you will be able 2 drink but not drive..