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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

Christmas is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon. For two millennia, people around the world have been observing it with traditions and practices that are both religious and secular in nature. Christians celebrate Christmas Day as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, a spiritual leader whose teachings form the basis of their religion. Popular customs include exchanging gifts, decorating Christmas trees, attending church, sharing meals with family and friends and, of course, waiting for Santa Claus to arrive. December 25–Christmas Day–has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1870.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How to achieve personal excellence

Here are some tips on how to achieve personal excellence:

Believe in yourself:

If you don't believe in yourself, how do you expect anyone else to believe in you?

Keep building your skills:
The path to excellence requires constant upgrading and skills development.

Get out of your comfort zone:
If you move beyond that area of comfort, even by a little bit, you start facing things which you are not exposed to before.

Be around the best:
Cut yourself loose from people who don't support you and increase your contact with the people who do.

Set huge goals:
Not the normal, standard goals which you know you will definitely be achieving with a certain amount of work and effort. Aim higher.
source : TOI

Monday, December 20, 2010

Food for ur LOVE

food for LOVE : ( image)
Make everyday a day for love and romance. With this recipe, love can't stay too far from your kitchen!

Make sure it is simple, delicious and easy-to-do. Spending too much time cooking a complicated meal is something none of us look forward to!

Red being the colour of the day, it's easy to add this vibrant colour to your Valentine's Day meals. For breakfast, you can use beautiful bright red fruit like perfect heart-shaped strawberries, deep red cranberries or even an apple to give it that special touch. Cranberry juice is a good alternative to your regular orange or apple juice. You can add dried cranberries to your morning cereal. For the slightly more adventurous, bake cranberry muffins. However, nothing can beat a crisp French toast for breakfast. There are many versions of this toast. Some believe that it was a creation of some medieval European cooks who used stale bread to feed their families with. They revived this bread with moisture and heat and ate it. Some Medieval recipes for 'French toast' suggest that it was enjoyed by the wealthy since, in those days, cookbooks were written by the rich for the rich. The recipes used the finest white bread with the crusts trimmed off, something a poor person would never do. Recipes for 'French toast' can be traced back to the Romans. One of the original French names for this dish is 'pain a la Romaine', or Roman bread.

Chocolate French Toast with fresh strawberries
Ingredients: 2/3 cup sugar; 1/3 cup cocoa powder; 1/8 tsp baking powder; 1/4 tsp salt; 1 cup milk; 4 large eggs; 1 tsp vanilla essence; 4 thick slices bread; 1/4 cup butter; icing sugar for garnishing; 200g fresh strawberries

Method: In a bowl, combine the sugar, cocoa, baking powder, and salt. Mix until well blended and no cocoa lumps remain. Pour in half of the milk and whisk until the mixture is smooth and free of lumps. Add the remaining milk, the eggs, and the vanilla. Whisk until blended well.

Arrange the bread in a single layer in a 9x13-inch baking dish (or similar vessel) and pour the cocoa mixture over the bread. Turn the bread once to get both sides nicely coated. Poke each bread slice repeatedly with the tines of a fork to make it absorb the batter. Let it soak, turning every 10 minutes, until the bread is well soaked.

Heat the butter in a non-stick pan over medium heat. When melted and hot, carefully lift the bread slices, one at a time, from the batter to the pan. Cook until the underside is brown and lightly crisp. You can lower the flame if the slices are browning too fast. Flip and continue cooking until the slices are slightly puffed in the centre and are bouncy to the touch. Then transfer the French toast to the plate and serve immediately with strawberries dusted with icing sugar.
 ~SOURCE : timesofindia

Friday, December 17, 2010

Accused was EMAMI cold Cream

Tring Tring. . .i hate this sound.There was a time when "You n i in this beautiful world" goes my ear drum and makes me fell in HEAVEN.Unfourtunately damn dats my faith. m upset wid the world MOBILE....When i c my fellows murmebing in cell fon with their especial 1 the only world that comes in my mind is "WISH I HAD the 1" . . .them it takes me to the place where i used to whisper at night after 11.PM, since i had RELIANCE FREE night pack that i got from one of the Mobile shop in MEERUT,UP INDIA.

The day was covered with LIGHTS and candles, I was in fresh mood for shopping near by MEERUT city.It was 12:20 pm and i was in the height of enjoying the hour."Airplane : BOB ft. HARLEY WILLIAMS" was on my way."BHAYA KAHA PAR JANAH HEY ?", a riskshaw drive with long moustage and uncomed hair asked me, but the Qwery was god one 4 me, cuz i was not know where was MEERUT city...hehehe. . .I simple replied "BEGUM BRIDGE". I was known m far way from my destination.My only fellow from SIKKIM, Amir Ji was beside me. . .giving me a cute smile every time, dont know what run in his mind. So finally we reached BEGUM BRIDGE, the interesting part was I was in half paint and t-shirt. I was to repair my laptop INTEX charger, so with out looking here and there, I looked only to those shops and service center where i could fix my problem.My neck started paining some where written HCL begumpul 99923456, COMPAQ begumpul . . . . blah blah. . .sorry I coldn't find my choice. So I started stretching my eyes towards small repairing center. finally I got it. ..shit! dat was duplicate, but was fit in my system.The shop owner snatched 500 rs from my hand, without any hasitation I thanked him wid my smileless smile.

It was silent from 2 hours, and there was no any sign of being there. So I slowely put my hand in my pocket to verify whether it was there, instead a small cute "EMANI cold cream" jumped on my palm, I was shocked. . . how could this happen ? ? ? Wheres my lifeine ? ? ? "AMIR AMIR . . where is my phone ? ? ?". I fell like fallen from NiGERIA FALLS and shank as no one gonna find me now. "LYA HO !" the only words I could auter."LYA JHARACHA RIKSHAW MA. . .". I rewind the time when I was listening to music and driver asked me, "Yeah ! I had emami + my cell, I was wearing half-paint". Bullshit ! ! I was thinking EMAMI as CELL FON. OMGosh! I had to return back hostel, I was still thinking about it . . I missed the song that used to make me smile . . .the CONTACT from previous 3 yrs. . . if any one had to type those LOST contact den I am preety sure that it must be a PHYSICAL TORTURE. I wish no one get that cell in future.

I realised that the main accused regading loosing my cell fon was "EMAMI cold cream" . . . I was so angry wid it, but also sometimes it play vital role in my LIPS.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Facing the DESTINY. . .

When i was a kid i used to look at those bright star and wonder to reach there. My mama always  used to tell me "SON THEY R FAR AWAY FROM US". But no matter what c say I was in my way  of  gazing and thinking to reach and say "LOOK MOM M HERE".....I had a curiosity of knowing new things and implement in my life.

I still remember When I was in my IIIrd grade my mom never use to come to pick me at my school. Some day the MONSOON rain had wetted me and SUMMER sun had burnt me, I used to think. My mom doesn’t LOVE me. From ma childhood only my mama leaves me in my own foot, either the hurricanes come or earthquake,  I have to resist.

 Slowly the time passed and the wind changed. I moved towards JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, there i get my first chance to hang out  with my colleagues’ was in Vth grade, we get shifted to NEW DEVELOPEMENT AREA, my DAD had built a building for us of two stories.(NOW ITS 5). Since he was from GORKHA BATELLION I have to wake up early in the morning and finish my duties at right time. He too use to SHOUT at me without ny reason. Sometimes I tend to use SLANG word with in my heart, but can’t speak out. With my efforts and hard work I jumped to X grade, mama still didn’t had time to say "BEST OF LUCK"........but there is always warmth  feeling in my heart "I LOVE U MOM".........and c is close 2 me forever.

Gradually the heat of teen attracted me, Namchi was my best dating spot..hahahahaha.....The word uttered at those moment blindly as if i have sneezed. We had to gib class X BOARD  examination at Namchi Girls Senior Sec. School. All the boys were on the best mood for at least  1month.I got to know few of them but hardly remembered 2 or 3. That was the time when I enjoyed a lot. Gone for Samduptcha wid my fellows and many others places. I Come 2 know how girls and boys spend their time.....unfortunately I DIDNT. . .I had to go for my friend's dating alone with him(as a supporter). The FEBRUARY 2006 was awesome month in my entire teen.

I opted for DIPLOMA on 2007 and i got to know many new things which i was not aware in my entire life. I got more interested in COMPUTER SCIENCE and Tech . . .wanna know more about how  the things happens and come to existence. That was my RIGHT DECISION on march 2007 when I got my CLASS X result. I have curiosity to know more new and new things. What the developed country has which we doesn’t have. If  any new ideas came in ours people mind then it is said that the idea was used in European country 20 yrs. back. Those r the little things that is pulling me to know. . Y?? ? Not.. HOW? ? ? If u know Y their is solution for HOW. TRY IT ONCE. . .So i was in my Diploma level. . .ma and my friend developed many small  websites and blogs and also last yr we developed AUTOMATED ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (Attendance of faculty online through INTRANET) now m 20 already completed my DIPLOMA  ENGINEERING at 2010 from CCCT, SIKKIM.
 "Our destiny changes with our thought; we shall become what we wish to become, do what we wish to do, when our habitual thought corresponds with our desire."........

Sunday, December 5, 2010

2012: Beginning of the End or Why the World Won't End?

Remember the Y2K scare? It came and went without much of a whimper because of adequate planning and analysis of the situation. Impressive movie special effects aside, Dec. 21, 2012, won't be the end of the world as we know. It will, however, be another winter solstice.

Much like Y2K, 2012 has been analyzed and the science of the end of the Earth thoroughly studied. Contrary to some of the common beliefs out there, the science behind the end of the world quickly unravels when pinned down to the 2012 timeline. Below, NASA Scientists answer several questions that we're frequently asked regarding 2012.

Question (Q): Are there any threats to the Earth in 2012? Many Internet websites say the world will end in December 2012.
Answer (A): Nothing bad will happen to the Earth in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012.

Q: What is the origin of the prediction that the world will end in 2012?
A: The story started with claims that Nibiru, a supposed planet discovered by the Sumerians, is headed toward Earth. This catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened the doomsday date was moved forward to December 2012. Then these two fables were linked to the end of one of the cycles in the ancient Mayan calendar at the winter solstice in 2012 -- hence the predicted doomsday date of December 21, 2012.

Q: Does the Mayan calendar end in December 2012?

A: Just as the calendar you have on your kitchen wall does not cease to exist after December 31, the Mayan calendar does not cease to exist on December 21, 2012. This date is the end of the Mayan long-count period but then -- just as your calendar begins again on January 1 -- another long-count period begins for the Mayan calendar.

Q: How do NASA scientists feel about claims of pending doomsday?
A: For any claims of disaster or dramatic changes in 2012, where is the science? Where is the evidence? There is none, and for all the fictional assertions, whether they are made in books, movies, documentaries or over the Internet, we cannot change that simple fact. There is no credible evidence for any of the assertions made in support of unusual events taking place in December 2012.

Q: Is there a danger from giant solar storms predicted for 2012?
A: Solar activity has a regular cycle, with peaks approximately every 11 years. Near these activity peaks, solar flares can cause some interruption of satellite communications, although engineers are learning how to build electronics that are protected against most solar storms. But there is no special risk associated with 2012. The next solar maximum will occur in the 2012-2014 time frame and is predicted to be an average solar cycle, no different than previous cycles throughout history.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Okay, so the world now has a new youngest billionaire. And the guy we are talking about here is Dustin Moskovitz who co-founded Facebook as the lead programmer along with Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Suaverin. Till this time it was Mark Zuckerberg – the youngest billionaire in the world but the soaring valuation ofFacebook has brought two of its other co-founders into the ranks of the Forbes 400 billionaires.
Dustin Moskovitz, who is now the world’s youngest billionaire is just 8 days younger than Mark Zuckerberg. Dustin’s birthday listed on Wikipedia is May 22nd, 1984 and Mark’s is May 14, 1984. He went on to becomeFacebook’s first CTO (chief technology officer) and then further, the Vice President of Engineering at Facebook. However he quit Facebook in 2008 to start his own venture called Asana, a firm that produces software helping companies to collaborate better.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Stuart Hughes iPhone 4 Diamond Rose Edition – $8 million

Stuart Hughes iPhone 4 Diamond Rose Edition – $8 million
If you thought his iPhone 3GS Supreme was impressive, check out the latest iPhone from Stuart Hughes–the iPhone 4 Diamond Rose Edition. Hughes has recreated the infamous antenna band that wraps around the sides of the latest iPhone, as well as the backplate, using rose gold. The band is adorned with 100 carats of flawless diamonds, and the Apple logo is formed with fifty-three more diamonds. Once again, the home button gets the most love–it’s made of platinum and features a rare 7.4-carat pink diamond.
The phone comes in an imperial pink 7-kilogram chest cut from a single block of granite and lined with nubuck top-grain leather. It also comes with an 8-carat flawless diamond that can be used in place of the pink one. more

Friday, October 29, 2010

Carlos Slim Helu Is World's Richest Man

Bill Gates' reign as the world’s richest man was interrupted this year 2010 as the world’s plutocrats cashed in at a startling rate. Though the Microsoft tycoon has held the title for 14 of the last 15 years, he was overtaken by Mexican telecommunications mogul Carlos Slim Helu, according to Forbes' annual list. Slim, whose $18.5 billion in earnings over the last 12 months catapulted him into first, has reportedly amassed a fortune of $53.5 billion. The growth was due largely to shares of America Movil shooting up 35 percent. Gates, whose fortune is at approximately $53 billion, is a close second after earning $13 billion this year. Warren Buffett is third with $47 billion, $10 billion of which came from a pair of shrewd investments in Goldman Sachs and General Electric during the economic turmoil. "We've put a lot of money to work during the chaos of the last two years," Buffett wrote. "When it's raining gold, reach for a bucket, not a thimble."
 Read it at FORES

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Apple iphone4

iPhone 4 Technical Specifications

Size and weight

4.5 inches (115.2 mm)
2.31 inches (58.6 mm)
0.37 inch (9.3 mm)
4.8 ounces (137 grams)
For futher details click here

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dance and Music of Sikkim

The communities have their own traditional folk dance forms. The Nepalese, the Lepchas and the Sikkimese have unique folk dances, each different and each amusingly groovy.

Folk Dances of Nepali:
Maruni Dance Maruni One of the oldest and most popular dances of the Nepalese associated with the festival of Tihar(Tyohar) or Diwali and various ceremonies and occasions.
Tamang Selo Performed on occasions like marriage ceremony, childbirth and village fairs with the rhythmic sound of the “Damphoo”, a musical instrument.
Dhaan Naach A projection of rich Nepali cultural heritage.
Dau Ra JaneZo-Mal-Lok It is performed during the happy ceremonies by the young girls in their traditional and vibrant outfits.
Sebru Naach It is a narration of the lifestyle of the Sherpas who are very fond of performing arts like dance and songs.

Folk Dances of Lepcha
Zo-Mal-Lok A depiction of sowing, reaping and harvesting of paddy.
Chu Faat It is is performed in honour of the Mount Khangchendzonga and its four associate peaks, Mt.Pandim, Mt. Kabru, Mt. Simbrum and Mt. Narshing.
Kar Gnok Lok This “Dance of Swans” is a depiction of tarriance of a group of migratory swans.
Dharma Jo It depicts the harvest season among Lepchas.
Mon Dryak Loks A hunting dance for the supposedly adept hunters.
Tendong Lho Faat A folklore retold to the new generation corresponding the divine events in Vedas
.Mun Hait Lok A traditional dance by both Lepcha men and women.

Folk Dances of Sikkimese
Talachi The dance is accompanied with a folklore related to a king.
Lu Khangthamo This dance is a day of thanks giving to all Gods and deities of the three worlds, Heaven, Earth and Hell.
Gha To Kito This is a song cum dance which describes all about the treasures of Sikkim.
Be Yu Mista Males and females perform to applaud Sikkim in this dance form.
Chi Rimu A much popular dance for happy events and ceremonies performed by old and young.
Rechungma It is performed on the happy occasions like childbirth, marriage and other social gatherings.
Gnungmala Gnunghey It is a typical Bhutia fold dance performed in praise, by both male and female
Tashi Zaldha This dance depicts the Bhutia custom of offering scarves, performed by boys and girls.

Mask Dances
Enchey Chaam A famous mask dance performed by lamas in the ‘Gompa’ courtyard to celebrate religious festivals, dances demonstrate perfect footwork and grace.
Rumtek Chaam The most important dance performed on the 10th day of the 5th month of the Tibetan calendar, corresponding to the month of June.
Kagyed Dance A symbolism of the destruction of the evil forces and hoping for peace and prosperity to flourish in every Sikkimese home, it is performed on the 28th and 29th day of the 10th month of the Tibetan Calendar, around December.
Gouthor(Winter) Chaam> This is performed in the month of February usually two days prior to Losar.

Source :

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Goals should be SMART. . .

Goals should be SMARTSpecific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Oriented or Time-Sensitive.
They have definite tangible outcomes.
What are goals?
Goals are visions, outcomes, objectives or expectations. There are big goals and small goals.To reach that goal, you need to find out how much you need to save in a year for the next ten years, how much in a month and how much everyday. You need to make sure that you have the income and the expenses that support your daily goal. If not, extend your time frame or try to increase your income, or reduce your expenses to meet your daily goal.

If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there”…I read somewhere.

 it is a commitment, your mind will stay focused, and direct yourself towards the qualities of persistence, commitment and consistency to reach that goal.

 The goal should be specific. It is not, ‘I want to have lot of money in ten years”. What is ‘lot?’ Be specific, so you can divide further to reach daily goal. Goals must be concrete. Vague and ambiguous goals cannot be reached.Goals are specific measurable targets that are designed to clarify expectations, destinations.

Short term goals:
 Think of them as means to an end. When you have a short term goal aiming towards the long term goal, you see that you’re moving forward everyday. Short term goals eventually culminate to your long term goal because they are measurable. You can monitor the progress. What gets measured gets done. I remember my father had a budget goal and every night before he laid his head on the pillow, he would account for his daily expenses. He monitored it religiously. Goal setting also creates a discipline in you.

Realistic & Attainable:
Goals must be realistic and believable. If you don’t believe you can achieve a goal, you won’t pay the price for it. Only when you believe you’ll choose to stay focused and do what you need to do to get it.
Goal should encompass are areas of life. Remember to set financial, academic, professional, physical, spiritual and relationship goals. Neither can you do one after the other nor can you get away without growth in another area.. All areas are interdependent. It will create a domino effect.All areas need equal priorities. One is not more important than another. Do not compromise something for another. No goal is impossible.

Time or deadline:
Define your goal and decide by when you want it. Deadline is important. We are inherently designed to set and achieve goals. Think about, when you wake up you have your own set of actions that you do like brush your teeth, wash your face, comb your hair, read newspaper or use computer, get to school or work and so on and so forth. You can call them chores, tasks, routine but these are daily goals, have become a habit and over the course of years they are on auto pilot.

Dream big, set goals, INK it and act on it with a definite deadline. You can achieve whatever you want. Nothing is stopping you from reaching your destination except the shackles that you put around you. Remember,
Goal + Timely Action = Desired Results

Awesome Power is an organization committed to encourage, motivate, inspire, coach and support individuals to believe in themselves and reach their fullest potentially in all areas of their life.
The author of this article, Vijaya Jayaraman, is a life coach, motivational speaker, a professional writer, personal coach dedicated to public speaking and writing articles to make a difference in other’s lives. The author is also deeply interested in spiritual studies and believes our life is the consequences of our own actions and that the spiritual study is the way for inner peace. We are on this earth to realize that all is ONE and that ONE is in all.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sadichha Shrestha is Miss Nepal 2010 Winner

This Year title for Miss Nepal goes to Sadichha Shrestha of Kathmandu. The 19 year old was declared Miss Nepal in a program held in Army Officer’s Club at Bhadrakali, Kathmandu.
Sadichha has represented the country abroad in various youth summits and appeared in several advertisements. She is also among the VOWs Top 10 College Women. She had previously participated in Miss Beautiful Lady 2005 Pageant. Sadichha will now represent Nepal in the Miss World 2010 to be held in China.
Sadichha is now a goodwill ambassador for Nepal Cancer Relief Society and World Wildlife Fund for Nature, Nepal. She has also received Chery QQ3 car and a cash prize of Rs 50,000 along with the title.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

story of ORKUT.....he lost his GIRLFREN..

Have u ever wondered how this social networking site orkut , which is quite popular among the young generations, came into picture or how it’s born ???

Well, I came to know about it and it’s founder Orkut Buyukkokten through one of mycollege days at CCCT my DIPLOMA pioneer in 2007 AD...
n i caught 3rice by ma teachers in LAB,he sized my ID but no Pravesh was on his phase...
and I also joined....
Initially, I was bit unenthusiastic – but as it’s getting popular , I also got hooked to it ..
started scraping , joining discussions on various forums, created  couple of communities … met some old and gold friends/juniors with whom I lost touch !!!! met new friends as well....
as time goes by , I  got more busy with my works/other activities and I hardly get time to check in to it !!!

One day I thought...m surfing ORKUT throughout my life..why not lets summarise his life history???
I was keen intrested to last i come 2 know.....

 The story goes like this :
A guy lost his girlfriend in a train accident....

but the gal's name nowhere appeared in the dead list. This guy

grew up n became IT technical architect in his late 20?s, achievement in itself!!.

He hired developers from the whole globe and plan to make a

software where he could search for his gf through the web..

Things went as planned...

n he found her, after losing millions of dollars and 3 long years!!

It was time to shut down the search operation, when the CEO of Google had a word with this guy n took over this application,

This Software made a whopping 1 billion dollars profit in its first year, which we today know as ORKUT .The guy's name is ORKUT BUYUKKOTEN . Yes its named after him only. .

Today he is paid a hefty sum by Google for the things we do like scrapping. ORKUT BUYUKKOTEN today has 13 assistants to monitor his scrapbook & 8 to monitor his friends-list. He gets around 20,000 friend-requests a day & about 85,000 scraps!!! and mamy more u cannot imagjne.......

Sunday, September 19, 2010

World Record Attempt For Longest Kiss Ever | Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day world record attempt for longest ever kiss. Thousands of lovers will be locking lips this Valentine's Day, but 14 couples in Thailand are taking kissing to another level as they compete to break the Guinness world record for the longest kiss.

In Thailand's resort of Pattaya, the contestants are part of a kissing marathon in an attempt to beat the current 32-hour record which was set in Germany last year.

The couples have each been given a space of one square metre and they must lock lips at all times, and cannot sit, sleep or leave the venue, or they will be disqualified.

One woman has fainted after 34 minutes of kissing. Others have given up after a few hours.

The couple that last longest will receive a diamond ring worth £1,000 and a £2,000 cash prize.

Felix Werth, 32, one of the contestants said: 'I just participate for fun and I'm looking forward to kissing for a long time.'

The contest began on Sunday at 11pm GMT and will continue throughout Valentine's Day.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Celebration of Janmasthami


The birthday of Lord Krishna, Janmasthami will be celebrated on September 2 this year. Janmastahmi is celebrated with great enthusiasm by Hindu religion in all parts of the country. Lord Krishna was one of the avatars of Lord Vishnu. The birth of Lord Krishna is celebrated according to the Gregorian calendar. This day usually falls between August and mid-September every year. Last year, Janmasthami was celebrated on August 14. The Smartha Sects Brahmins have declared Janmasthami to be celebrated on September 1, instead of September 2. Even the government of Andhra Pradesh has announced a holiday for Janmastahmi on September 1.

Krishna Janmasthami is known by different names in different parts of the country.  It can be called a Gokulashtami, Srikrishna Jayanti, Krishnashtami, Sree Jayanthi, Saatam Aatham, Janmashtami, and Ashtami Rohini.  Janmasthami is celebrated on eighth day of Krishna Paksh of Shraavan month. The name of this day differs on the basis of where a person lives and what religious belief a person follows. Most people who celebrate this day observe a fast on previous day. For this year, the fast will be observed by people on September 1. The fast is followed by night-long commemoration of birth of Lord Krishna at midnight. At midnight, an idol of Lord Krishna is  bathed and adorned with new clothes and jewelery. At the end of this fast, fast observers perform an aarti, a prayer.

This day is celebrated with enactment of Raas Lila in Mathura and Vrindavan, where Lord Krishna spent a major part of his life. Raas Lila is the dramatic enactment of flirtatious nature of Krishna’s youth period. Some other parts of the country celebrate Govinda Pathask or Dahi Handi aspects, that is, the mischievous and playful side of Krishna’s life on this day.

Read more: Celebration of Janmasthami - All India Today

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


The premier college in the hill state was crowded with students in green and grey uniform. The dress code had been enforced by the authorities from today to maintain uniformity among students hailig from different economic backgrounds.
For the girls, grey skirts with black stockings have replaced the trousers. “We are very happy about the uniform. It has brought unity and uniformity on the campus,” said Chettri.
Tadong Government College comes under Sikkim University. The monsoon semesters had started from June and the college authorities said the decision to introduce uniforms was taken at that time. “But we could not implement it then, as we had to give students time to get them stitched,” a member of the college authority said.

Sunday, August 29, 2010



It was mid June 2010 I was having my daily routine to wake at 9:00 pm (but my mom wants me it at 6:00).I took a look for living room via a long crystal glass which has been my sunrays. I can clearly see the movement but I was dumb, then I get off , someone was screaming  at me as if I had ruined his life…After a minute he get silence and I suffered channels. The daily ads. were at the tip of ma lips and no one can stop me on saying “WAKKA WAKKA THIZ TYM FO AFRICA…HBO…PIMP MY RIDE…”.suddenly the remote jumps on ma sister hand, and I wish, please no to “BUTTON 05”, she can see a cute smile on ma face and blamed “BHAI STOP WATCHING THIS TYPES OF VIDEOS”…(CHANNEL-V,V-TV,M-TV, etc…), it get shocked and tremble me, the battery has gone down…hehe….After half-past 10 I was on the lap on ma mother, and I couldn’t resists myself from saying “MUKH DHU ANI PUJA GAR!!!” I was 2 walk alone the long passage…then wash room….
Suddenly my eyes stuck at the piece of paper where it shouldn’t be. So I picked it lightly and starts reading. “1 FOR THE ROAD”, what the heck it is!!! I was not able 2 trap the meaning, meanwhile I read it, after a minute I realized the paper was half-broken…I blame my fate on not reading those whole passages. After having my activities I thought of a paper. is it lyrics of T-PAIN/BOW-WOW, might not. why the road matters for those celebrities…or it might be poetry by a gr8 scholars like WILLIAM SHAKESPEARS/CHETAN BHAGAT…..aah!!! leave it….!!!! I had numerous thoughts as Sir ALBERT NEWTON has never thought of it. ”but how he proposed theory of RELATIVITY???”, I heard it was also proposed by our gr8 Indian scientist SIR JAGDISH CH. BOSE….whatever!!! now how to get my ROAD???
I open the jip of ma mini baby laptop and connect the usb AIRTEL INTERNET CONNECTOR to it, and starts connecting…instead he claimed me “sorry cant find proxy???” PROXY??? Oh!! I need ma subscriber name..then access point..blah blah…I thank god dat all the words was their from NETWORKING LAB..i thanked Ranjan Sir….at last I success “SUCCESSFULLY CONECTED”. So I couldn’t  stop ma finger on typing “ROAD”. GOOGLE  claimed me with his thousand of links, which?wer? I was confused.oh god!!! Where should I find ma way!!! Next time a magic happens “VIDEO BY  JUSTINE TIMBERLAKE..4:27 mins”, I didn’t hesitate on clicking the was so sad…tears falls down my could this happen!!!so romantic…I want from quotes to poems and poetry all the way I traveled and visited different part of the world…But no way of “ROAD”.I switched my search engine 2wads a site which is known as the father of search engine, developed on 1994 by JERRY YANG & DAVID FILO, and has it headquarter at SILICON VALLEY of CALIFORNIA (U.S.A)…its none other than “YAHOOOOO!!!”….instead he has a numbers of question as if I am giving interview, “Why Road?Need?-asked by ”…prabin thakur_12-03-2007…blah blah…
Atlast I hab 2 beg GOOGLE image, I the copy of the “road” on it.YEAH!!! I I found wer u go??my road!! I will complete your paragraph.i was so glad 2 see like I hir a jackpot of $1000… I lightly clicked on the path, and saved it as my desktop background image, it was so road!!!
The link was connected to Hindustan Times, Calcutta.i gone through it, and when I found the words from where I had stuck I was so happy, like dats my happiest moment ever.i get to bed and had a dream on it, so relax..walking on the road and thinking of the poorer who walks on street and hab to relay on street…many more thought crosses my mind..people walks on street but no one give a single time on one thinks of it…for those who trys to earn their daily breads and butter knows the actual meaning…
From the paragraph I get a lesson,the saying 1 FOR THE ROAD could acquire a new meaning altogether since you will be able 2 drink but not drive..

Friday, August 27, 2010

Plain White T's - Music Video - 1, 2, 3, 4 (Watch in HQ!)

History till now...

He knows watt iz before me, and it can flip the life in a second. Like the waves fall on the shore and we can’t deny it. When the page of the life is turned the “PAST”, a history which covers the sadness, happiness and glorious moment 4ever. Whenever I think of it he brings the day with moody feelings. What I see is the long widen road covered with throne and brittle glasses from where I had made decision to travel ma way to reach my destiny, and once again it tremble my cerebellum and put me from where I started.
History is the mark of journey that can either erased by a laser light or neither thunder rain, nor it can easily brunt by the high atomic energy. I am in the mid of 20’s and the past is closely surrounding me. I want to flip flop it!!!But my strength can’t have reality. Although it might be major relishing session now, and my vocal cord want to scream “LESSON”
I want “LESSON” from my history background. The only perfect job I can do is pasting a duplicate layer on my darker edge. It can have innermost shining from my future and 0% opacity from my future, and I want it on present, cuz if tomorrow never comes!!! Turning the pages of my life I can clearly see my life hasn’t ruined nor it had any faded effect. The future thought has flooded it so that it washed in a minute. Now its high time and energetic moment to let my negative feelings submerged in the past. I don’t want it back. I played it and knew the sufferings lately.
My past teaches me how? What? Why? , handle the critical situation; let others feelings know, self dependent and independent. I give a lot of greeting to it, and yeah!!! I am the happiest person in my life I can trust myself more than history…..

Friday, May 28, 2010

Midst Dream....

Wow!!! a big yawn……hummmmmm!!! I finally woke up….I open my eyes but what I see is m blind by the white light….so thought of a nap…..yup!!!! It’s just 9 past 8!!! The finest memories rolled down me…It was 6th August 2007…a boy taking an ambition to be an ENGINEER…..Engineer!!! But he was quite confused…..what is Engineering?  Big (?), but had a dream….Pravesh??? An inner strength called me…What??? Hey!!! Please study hard, and reach your destination…I pulled my eyelid for a while and replied OKAY!!! ……
                That was mid august …my classes got its phase. I guessed all the student is master minded…a soft voice reached my ear drum “Yes!! Pravesh  where u from???” I was numb for a while and then uttered within me “Madam I am from Melli Bazaar”…Pravesh was a boy who don’t used to talk too much,  was quite high tempered and listen to other talks….really!!! Not in negative sense I used to take them carefully and want to change me….i had a lot of feeling and views to be shared, but was in queue to follow them…
                Oh!!!! Again the alarm ring!!! “Ting ring ring ring ting ring”….I heard a noise, guessed what it could be!!!  Pulled the cushion, stretched my eyes, picked the spectacles and it was 9:30 morning, and my laptop is still open….oh!!! What’s that??? Is my vision clear???”MORZILLA FIREFOX “instead of my punk picture in desktop….VOICEOFSIKKIM, BLOGSPOT, GMAIL, FACEBOOK”….I refreshed the whole page…I forget my daily activity of cleaning teeth and had a bottle of water instead…I knelled down the bed to focus on my pink bucket….bullshit!!! I took it towards the washroom and thought of a tap but it was already gone….I took a look at browser…. 5 NOTIFICATIONS, 2 FRIEND REQUEST, and 3 COMMENT!!! So excited …shall I be fresh??? Huh!!! Leave it!!!

SAGA DAWA in Sikkim

Saga Dawa, the triple blessed Buddhist festival was celebrated across the State with traditional gaiety and religious fervour. A large number of monks and devotees carried out a solemn procession, lugging sacred Kanjyur texts on their shoulders and making a parikrama of the streets of Gangtok. The rally organized by Dechen Choeling Gompa, Sichey took a round of NH 31-A and Zeropoint before coming back to the monastery. Since the wee hours of the morning, a large number of people visited different monasteries in their localities to make offerings and prayers. Speaking on the importance of Saga Dawa, Pemba Dorjee one of the monks of the monastery said, the festival is considered as the holiest of the holy Buddhist Festivals. On this day in different years of his life, Lord Buddha took birth, achieved Enlightenment and passed away attaining Nirvana. Also, recitations of sacred Kanjyur and Tenjyur texts were held at the monastery since last few days culminating on the fifteenth day i.e. on May 27. Kanjyur or translated works consist of work in about 108 volumes supposed to have been spoken by Buddha Shakyamuni. All texts presumably had a Sanskrit original, later translated into Tibetan.

Friday, May 21, 2010

All India Gorkha League President Assassinated

Madan Tamang has been Assassinated!All India Gorkha League has been killed during attack this morning at Clubside, Darjeeling. The All India Gorkha League President had been rushed to the Planters Hospital whereupon he was then shifted to the Darjeeling District Hospital. According to confirmed sources from the District Hospital he was confirmed dead upon arrival. His head was literarily detached from the body. All India Gorkha League had planned to organize a meeting at Chowk Bazaar, Darjeeling to mark the foundation of the party. However, due to opposition from the supporters of Gorkha Janmukti Morcha cadres, the All India Gorkha League had chosen to meet at Clubside, Darjeeling were upon they were mortally attacked

Men's top sex secrets!

" If you thought men's sexual response is quite simple and their needs can be met easily, then you certainly need to revise your knowledge of the "birds and bees," for men aren't as simple as they are made out to be."

According to Fox News, here are 10 things that you didn't know about men and sex:

1. Trapped Sperm
Not all sperm go racing for the egg at once. Once sperm has been deposited into the vaginal canal, some of them are temporarily trapped in a semen coagulate or clot. Eventually, they are decoagulated by enzymes, which set them free to swim about a female''s reproductive system. This clotting, according to scientists, is meant to pace the release of sperm into the uterus, increasing the chance that one of these sperms will reach the egg and fertilise it.

2. Oxytocin affects males too
It is believed that oxytocin affects females during sex (and breast-feeding). But this cuddle hormone, released by both sexes during intimacy, is also found to influence males. Research from Switzerland found that oxytocin is associated with increased feelings of trust in males.

3. High testosterone = Less sex
While higher testosterone levels is typically considered a good thing for men when it comes to their sex drive, still researchers continually found that males with higher testosterone levels marry less often, are more abusive in their marriages and divorce more regularly. In fact, married men see more action than single men.

4. Death during sex has a prototype
While examining the incidence of death during sex, a 1975 study discovered a unique pattern in males: the "deceased is usually married; he is not with a spouse and in unfamiliar surroundings," and death usually occurs after "a big meal with alcohol." Another study in 1989 found further evidence supporting the extramarital sex bit. Fourteen of the 20 cases of "la mort d''amour," or coital death, happened during an affair.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

2007 batch Farewall Party .....

Student of 2nd yr and 1st year of CCCT Polytechnic gave us a huge farewell and my very much happy.....
I give a lot of thanks......And i rally gonna miss my college Days......I dont want my felling down towards CCCT..Its my Pioneer to Engineering.......

Monday, May 3, 2010

Discovering the wonders of my session......

As the saying goes "TO KNOW THE ROAD AHEAD ASK THOSE COMING BACK"..... it has perfect in me.The main objective here is I dont know where the wheel  of my mind wanna take me.I'm 20 yrs but m only speculating the junk crossing my mind and heart!!!

Better I don't wanna real those stuff that is likely to hypnotize me.....  Everlasting LOVE that i've been trying to nab is not and never happened nor they tried with me,NO!!!! I criticized my self.

When I stand in front of mirror,a shame roll down to me or i dont wanna see there.

I wanna ask WHO M I?? WHAT SHOULD I DO IN MY COMING FUTURE???......Not yet decided and pending achievement ,betrayed......The thought crosses my mind is very relevant to 1 whom i see the poor workers alone the road side,their talk and asking cigarette to their colleges....A bit from sense of uneasy touche my heart.

A couple busy in their teens have a formal talks and I respect  them , just wanna hear what they utter,cuz m thrown very far away ,I guess no one reach me.
Yeah !!!! the word is 100% true and my sentence witness me.I love the 1 very much, it seems m hungry,but I dont let know why is it so with me!!!! Their is no valid reason to justify my broken heart, it always wanna flirt now....M damn care....
M under my own stream surrounded by THROWN.......

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Village Camp-DONG

It's my final year in CCCT Chisopani Engineering College.We gone for Vilage Camp in Dong,South Sikkim.The camp was mainly for Social work.We renovated the Primary Dong Ambotay School.We held their for 3 days,the teachers and people appreciate our work and blessed us.We distributed Pencil,eraser to the students.....they were also happy that we visted their place.The village was 3 km from Denzong Village.The momment was precious.I was so glad that i helped the poor villagers,share their views,I gain some basic knowledge of farmers,their shares and cultivations in a year....I come to know how the people survive in remote places....At the moment I thanked my Parents that they gave me a wonderful opportunity to born in their family...I am proud of my Parents.....I was very glad that they were filled with joy when we came their.....Yeah !!! I really miss this moment and is 4ever in my heart as a sealed in Stone.....

Friday, April 2, 2010

Videos :

"I have my own particular sorrows, loves, delights; and you have yours.  But sorrow, gladness, yearning, hope, love, belong to all of us, in all times and in all places.  Music is the only means whereby we feel these emotions in their universality."  ~H.A. Overstreet

Ekantama - North-East student in Meerut 2011

Performing Nepali song at Noth-East Show on 25th March 2011 at Meerut DVSIET college....

Wari Jamuna - Sikkim's Students at Meerut, New Delhi

Our Sikkim Boys in full swing "Wari Jamuna Pari Jamuna" ... m a HERO ... hehe :)
FROM LEFT : Shiv Pradhan, Rupen Pradhan, Amir Bhandari, Naren Gurung, Rupen Sharma

Nepali Marriage - Melli Bazar, South Sikkim 2009

Weeding of My eleder Sister "Kalpana Di" .. 19th Nov 2009 at Melli Bazar, South Sikkim, India

Na bhuleydew timey

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Recollecting the finest memories.......

Running from the rain and snow,ah!!! i reached the place where my elder sister is now not more to stay,my SWEET HOME -Melli Bazaar,South Sikkim,India.I have o get my HALL TICKET for my 5th Semester examination,but i forget all those stuff and i find my way to Melli....Today 19th November 2009,the day in my history owing to my elder sister marriage..the feeling was so xcited that i cant explain clearly....I saw sunshine in my AAMA-mother and BABA-father..all were so busy hanging here and there...Making pandals and all.Tomorrow gonna be the great day...For the very first time in my life I saw Arrange marriage, mean to say CHHETRI's merriage...M the Big brother from Son side...i had all the responsibility of my sister,i followed it properly...All that give me the lesson ofhow the family runs in Society...I was very Happy....My fiance sister KALPANA!!!!!I dropped a tears coz i cant resist my feeling s 2wads ma sister....

My memories from Bangalore are unforgettable....We planned on last week of December and we flied on 4th January 2010 and reached at 4th of Jan....its very much interesting and we enjoy very much...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Family :

The family.We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending,and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.

My Family Description

My family consists of five people. There's my father whose name is Birkha Bahadur Chettri, my mother whose name is Indra Maya Chettri,my sister, Kalpana and Sapna, my brother, Preman and of course, me. I have quite a large extended family as well but only the four of us live together in our apartment in a block of flats. My father is fifty-two years old. He works as an Supervisor at District Hospital in Sikkim. He is tall and slim, has got short brown and gray hair and brown eyes. My father likes gardening very much as well as watching Television , reading books and newspapers. His special hobbies is bird watching and jogging.
Now I'll describe my mother and my brother. My mother is forty-five and she works as a house wife. She is small and little fat, has long black hair and black eyes. She likes roaming to market gardining too, so whenever my parents are able to they go some place interesting for nature watching. Since my father have a cottage with a garden in Namchi he spend a lot of time there.My elder sister is 25 got married and another elder sister 23.She is profeesional as a PGT in Melli Secondary School,she is slim and long black hair with black eyes.My brother is eighteen. He is slim and has short black hair and blue eyes. He is attending high school. He is interested in painting and computers and sports like cricket. He also spends a lot of time with his friends and family.