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Sunday, September 26, 2010

story of ORKUT.....he lost his GIRLFREN..

Have u ever wondered how this social networking site orkut , which is quite popular among the young generations, came into picture or how it’s born ???

Well, I came to know about it and it’s founder Orkut Buyukkokten through one of mycollege days at CCCT my DIPLOMA pioneer in 2007 AD...
n i caught 3rice by ma teachers in LAB,he sized my ID but no Pravesh was on his phase...
and I also joined....
Initially, I was bit unenthusiastic – but as it’s getting popular , I also got hooked to it ..
started scraping , joining discussions on various forums, created  couple of communities … met some old and gold friends/juniors with whom I lost touch !!!! met new friends as well....
as time goes by , I  got more busy with my works/other activities and I hardly get time to check in to it !!!

One day I thought...m surfing ORKUT throughout my life..why not lets summarise his life history???
I was keen intrested to last i come 2 know.....

 The story goes like this :
A guy lost his girlfriend in a train accident....

but the gal's name nowhere appeared in the dead list. This guy

grew up n became IT technical architect in his late 20?s, achievement in itself!!.

He hired developers from the whole globe and plan to make a

software where he could search for his gf through the web..

Things went as planned...

n he found her, after losing millions of dollars and 3 long years!!

It was time to shut down the search operation, when the CEO of Google had a word with this guy n took over this application,

This Software made a whopping 1 billion dollars profit in its first year, which we today know as ORKUT .The guy's name is ORKUT BUYUKKOTEN . Yes its named after him only. .

Today he is paid a hefty sum by Google for the things we do like scrapping. ORKUT BUYUKKOTEN today has 13 assistants to monitor his scrapbook & 8 to monitor his friends-list. He gets around 20,000 friend-requests a day & about 85,000 scraps!!! and mamy more u cannot imagjne.......